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Featured on Tech Tonics Podcast

Many thanks to Lisa Suennen and David Shaywitz for having me on Tech Tonics recently! My interview with them came out today. Listen to it on Connected Social Media or through your podcast app.

In it, I discuss with Lisa and David my work in computational biology, genetics, and the …

Barriers to Entry and Barriers to Validation

(See the slides here)

In the final section of my recent keynote address for Cancer Research UK‘s 2019 Symposium on Oesophageal Cancer, I departed from my usual rants on technical rigor in science to discuss the political barriers that keep us from effectively translating and scaling new diagnostics in …

Three Principles for AI/ML in Drug Discovery

(See the slides here)

I was recently invited by OpenEye Scientific to speak at their 19th CUP meeting - a scientific conference focused on challenges of computational modeling in drug discovery. It was my first time back at CUP in 8 years, since I switched fields from computational chemistry into computational …

The Drug Discovery Checklist

Drug discovery is a hard business, and like any other hard business, there are a lot of people who’d not only like to improve it, but think they have a clever idea to completely change how it’s done and catapult us into a new world of productivity. It …

Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of Mr. Lockhart’s AI

Machine learning and computational modeling remain some of the hottest topics in both the academic and industrial biology and healthcare communities. Here I’ll take a closer look at some problems with how we conceive of the use of AI and machine learning in biology, and how shifting our mode …