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2019 Early Detection Mid-Year Roundup, Part III: Clinical Performance and Economics

The shocking conclusion to a series on advances in early detection liquid biopsy from 2019H1:

  1. Part I: Tumor fraction still matters
  2. Part II: Technical advances from Grail and Guardant
  3. Part III: Clinical Performance and Economics

In the previous installments of this series, I’ve briefly reviewed some of the key …

2019 Early Detection Mid-Year Roundup, Part II: Technology

Part of a series on advances in early detection liquid biopsy from 2019H1:

  1. Part I: Tumor fraction still matters
  2. Part II: Technical advances from Grail and Guardant

With the data I reviewed in the first post in the series it seems fair to say that everyone’s now agreed that …

Mid-2019 Early Detection Roundup, Part I: Tumor Fraction

The first half of the year is always exciting in the cancer world between results presented at AACR in April and ASCO in June, making it a good time to review the state of early detection science in mid-2019. This is long, so I’ll break it up into a …

Six interesting abstracts from ASCO GI 2019

I saw a billboard for a Very Well Known cancer drug on US101 today and realized that ASCO’s Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium (aka ASCO GI) was in town. Although I’m not currently working on CRC screening, it’s an interesting enough area for me to have spent a couple …

Diving into CellMax’s data from ASCO GI 2018 on colorectal cancer detection by CTCs

While writing my post about ASCO GI 2019 (in particular, the section on CellMax’s new abstract), I realized that to tell the story properly, I had to analyze last year’s CellMax data. That turned into enough content that I thought it would be best to split it into …